125 mg / 250 mg
DOLIMEX suppositories contain paracetamol, a drug that belongs to the class of analgesics and is used to relieve pain and reduce fever.
Always administer exactly as described in this leaflet or as advised by the paediatrician or pharmacist. Consult the paediatrician or pharmacist if in doubt.
DOLIMEX Suppositories 125 mg

Infants from 6 to 10 kg (approximately 6 months to 1 year): 1 suppository of 125 mg, to be renewed if necessary, spacing the doses of at least 6 hours. The dose may be repeated up to a maximum of 4 suppositories per day.
Children from 11 kg to 20 kg (approximately 12 months to 6 years): 2 suppositories of 125 mg, to be renewed if necessary, spacing the doses of at least 6 hours. The dose can be renewed up to 4 suppositories per day maximum.
DOLIMEX Suppositories 250 mg

Children from 21 to 40 kg (approximately 6 to 12 years old): 2 suppositories of 250 mg, to be renewed if necessary, spacing the doses of at least 6 hours. The dose can be renewed up to 4 suppositories per day maximum.
- The number of suppositories to give your child will depend on his/her age and weight;
- The recommended dosage is one to two suppositories;Ask your paediatrician or pharmacist how many suppositories you should give.
You can give up to 4 doses in 24 hours. Allow 4 hours between each dose.
If you are not sure how many suppositories to give your child, do not take any chances. Consult the paediatrician or pharmacist.
Do not give more suppositories than the number indicated below.
Your child’s bowels must be empty when this medicine is given. If your child needs to go to the toilet, make sure they do so before administering the suppository.
- Inserting the suppository will be easier if your child is lying on his or her stomach or side. Do what is most comfortable for your child.
- Wash your hands. Then remove the packaging to take out the suppository. Do not break the suppository before use.
- Gently insert the suppository into your child’s rectum with the tip facing forward. Then wash your hands.
- Try to hold your child still for one or two minutes.
- If your child needs another suppository, take another suppository out of the package and insert it into your child’s rectum as you did with the previous suppository. Again, try to hold your child still for one or two minutes. Then wash your hands.
Contact your paediatrician if your child’s symptoms get worse or do not improve.